Customer General Tab

Containing the basic contact information about the customer, the Edit Customer window will open with the General tab open.  



The primary customer is on the left and the spouse/partner is on the right.  If you use Switch to Spouse, primary and spouse/partner keep the same relationship but the data view focus will change.  To change who is actually primary, go to the Supervisor menu and select Set as Primary Customer.


Fields and options in the General tab include:





Indicates whether the customer has been marked inactive.


ID #

The customer’s/spouse’s Edge identification number.



Indicate the gender of the customer/spouse.



Specify a title for the customer/spouse.



Specify the customer/spouse name.  If the first and last name fields for the spouse/partner are not completed, The Edge will not create a spouse/partner record.



Specify a suffix for the customer/spouse (Jr., Sr., etc.)



Specify the customer’s/spouse’s license number.



Specify a company name for this customer record.



The customer/spouse birthday.


Camera icon ()

Returns photo menu to capture an image of the customer as described in the section entitled Adding and Managing Photos.



Defines how to display the customer and their spouse on receipts and mailings.



The customer’s wedding anniversary.


Company Account

Indicates whether this is a corporate account.


Date Entered

The date the customer was entered.

Contact Methods

Lists contact methods for both the customer and any linked spouse/partner records.  You can show:

My Contact Methods:  Those for just the customer

All Contact Methods:  Those for the customer and any linked records.



In the list of available contact methods, fields include:

Method:  The contact method, i.e., phone, email, etc.

Type:  Where the person will be reached.

Who:  Whether it goes to the primary contact on the record or the spouse/partner.

Contact Address:  The specific value.


   Contact methods with a green circle indicate the preferred contact number for each contact method. 

   When you choose a different contact method other than the default, that is the contact method that will appear in the transaction record.

   If a contact method is the same for both parties, there is no option to remove a party in the edit window.  To remove that contact from the record, use the Delete icon.

To edit a contact method, select the green edit button ().

To delete a contact method, select the red delete button ().


+ Address

Offers the add Customer Address window where you can add a new address.  For more information, see the section entitled Adding a Customer Address.


+ Phone

Offers the Customer Phone Number window where you add a new phone number.  For more information, see the section entitled Adding a Customer Phone Number.


+ Email

Offers the Customer Email window where you can add a new email address.  For more information, see the section entitled Adding a Customer Email Address.