Special Services

Layaways, special orders, and other services are all multi-part transactions within The Edge.  Each of these types of transactions share the following characteristics:


1.  These services are initiated and completed at point of sale, that is, when a customer makes the request and later picks up the item.  Those activities are described in the section entitled Other Point-of-Sale Transaction Options

2.  Multiple payments can be made over time at POS.

3.  The functions described in the following sections will allow you to edit the records, update the status of the orders, and move them from location to location.

4.  Each may be cancelled at POS.

5.  A pickup must be completed.  The pickup indicates that the transaction is complete, the taxes are then considered due, and commissions are to be paid.


For a video tutorial about managing service records, go to http://www.screencast.com/t/jcMmnBj9