Service Job Notifications

If you wish to locate a job based on a notification sent to a customer:


1.  From the Services menu, select Notifications ► Find.  The Notifications Criteria window will appear.



Fields and options in the Notifications Criteria window include:



Returns job records containing notifications sent to a customer specified using the Customer Find filter.

Notification Created

Returns job records containing notifications created in the specified date range.

Notification Completed

Returns job records containing notifications completed in the specified date range.

Notification Type

Returns job records containing notifications of a specified type such as email or text message.


Returns job records containing notifications created at the specified store.

Only Completed Notifications

Returns jobs for which a notification was successfully sent.


Returns job records containing notifications pertaining to a particular appraisal, repair/custom job, or special order.  For each of these categories, you can do a job find to narrow the results further.


2.  Complete the fields as desired and select OK.  The Notifications Matching list view will appear.  Work with the jobs as needed.