Resending Service Job Notifications

Notifications can be resent on a case-by-case basis from the job record Supervisor menu.  However, if you wish to resend notifications to many customers concerning a services such as custom jobs, repairs, appraisals, or special orders:


1.  From the Services menu, select Notifications ► Re-Notify.  The Re-Notify filter will appear.



Filters and options in the Re-Notify filter include:


First Notification Date

Returns records with the selected initial notification date.

Last Notification Date

Returns records with the selected last notification date.

Notification Type

Returns records with notifications that were of the specified type:





Returns records with notifications sent from the specified store.


Returns records of notifications of the specified services:


      Special Orders


      Custom Jobs.


2.  Make filter selections and select OK.  A list of matching records will appear.



3.  Check the records you wish to re-send, and select Send.  The notification will be sent and the record will be updated to reflect the last notification sent.