Special Order Overview

In The Edge, special orders are a three-part process:


1.  Initial intake at point of sale.

2.  Receiving special order merchandise into inventory and matching it to the open order

3.  Final pickup at point of sale.


Steps 1 and 3 are common customer service activities and detailed in the sections entitled Special Order Intake and Special Order Pickup.  Step number 2 is detailed in the section entitled Receiving Special Order Inventory.


      Special orders are not recorded as sales until time of pickup.

      Commission is not rewarded on a special order until pickup.

      Special orders cannot be picked up until they are filled (readied for pickup).

      When you attempt to pick up a special order but the pickup button is not lit, this is because the order has not been filled with an item.

      Inventory ordered as part of a special order is treated differently as it pertains to the aging process and the Levels feature.  For example, a special order item is often in your possession for a short period of time until it is picked up.  This should not be confused with being a fast-seller.