Sell Item at Point-of-Sale

To sell an item:


1.  Scan the barcode on the item tag.  Fields will appear containing a stock number, description, retail discount as either a percentage or a dollar amount, and the price, with and without tax. 



With IUOM and PRE stock, it is important to treat sales to account for both the amount (ct, grams, etc.) and the quantity (1 diamond, 1 piece, etc.)  This means that when working at POS, create a sale line for each piece and enter the unit of measure in each.   For example, if you sell three watchbands at $10 each, enter a line item for each one.  If you create only one line item for $30, this would not properly reduce the physical quantity available in stock and your resulting inventory would be off.


      If a customer has more than one item, continue scanning as many times as needed to add lines.  Delete Line will remove any lines not needed.

      If you scan an item that is supposed to be located at another store, The Edge will require an override to sell it from the scanning store.


2.  If you are not using the barcode scanner, select Sell Item from the Point of Sale window.  A new line item will appear.  

3.  Enter the item ID into the Stock Number field, or select Find/New for the Item Find feature.

4.  The item information will appear on the Point of Sale window.  The More button contains further options for working with the item.  For more information, see the section entitled More Button.

5.  The Edge allows you to adjust the sale price in different ways by entering the appropriate amount into one of the fields provided for that purpose. 



Retail price as defined by the system.  This cannot be changed at point of sale.

Disc %

Percentage by which to discount the item.  This can be changed or be built into item record (e.g., item on sale).


Dollar amount to discount the item.  This can be changed or be built into item record.


Price as figured by retail and discount fields or may be entered.


Tax as figured by system settings; this cannot be changed.


Price plus tax.  If you enter a net here, The Edge will calculate Price and Tax for you.  If you enter a price here, it will constitute an out-the-door price.


Values in any of these fields will adjust the others as needed.


      For any prices or discounts that result in a price lower than the minimum markup, as defined in the category and or vendor record for the item, a supervisor must approve the transaction.

      Tax-exempt sales are accommodated by pressing Alt X or clicking on the tax box at the bottom right of the window.