Frequently Sold Items

Popular items that are frequently sold can be flagged so that they are easily accessible from Point of Sale. 


To mark an item as frequently sold:

1.  Use Item Find to search for and edit the item record.

2.  On the General tab, check the Frequently Sold checkbox.

3.  These items are tracked by vendor and vendor style.  When you mark an item as frequently sold, all other items of matching vendor and style will also have their Frequently Sold checkbox updated.

4.  Save your changes.


To use a frequently sold item at POS:

1.  From the POS screen, click Sell Item.  This will add a new blank sale line.

2.  On the sale line, click Find/New, then select Frequently Sold from the menu.

3.  The Frequently Sold Items window will appear showing all items that have been marked frequently sold. 

4.  Choose the item you wish to sell and click Select to add it to the sale.

5.  Finish the sale normally.


      If there are multiple fine jewelry items of the same vendor and style marked frequently sold, the oldest one will always be selected for sale first.

      To see which items you currently have marked frequently sold, use the Point of Sale Frequently Sold Items checkbox on the Item Details tab of Item Find.


To remove an item from the frequently sold list:

1.  Use Item Find to search for the item record.  If there are multiple items for the same vendor and style, you can choose any individual item.

2.  Uncheck the Frequently Sold checkbox.

3.  Save your changes.

4.  For individual items, all items matching this vendor and style will automatically have their records updated to remove them upon save.