Performance By Reports

Performance reports provide a detailing of sales activity by various parameters to help determine profitability. 


The reports generated are statistical in nature and are useful in determining sales success or failure broken down by category or vendor as well as price point and age.  The reports print in descending order, starting with the top selling and ending with the bottom selling based on percentage of sales.


Additionally, the report calculates ROI for each price point, category, vendor, and a grand total for the store.  Any price point falling below the stores overall average ROI will appear in a salmon color.


For more about report filters and settings, see the section entitled Creating a Report and the high-level section entitled Inventory Reports.


Performance reports can be generated by:



Performance of items in each category.

Category By Age

Performance of items in each category and by how long they’ve been in stock.

Category By AIMS

Performance of items by category based on the date ranges set for Automatic Mark Down per category.  Your settings impact these results.



Performance of items provided by each vendor.

Vendor & Age

Performance of items provided by each vendor and by how long they’ve been in stock.

Age Only

Performance of items only by how long they’ve been in stock.


Performance of inventory based on user defined selection criteria.  This report differs from the other inventory performance reports and as thus is explained separately below.


Each result is provided in two forms:  a bar chart and a table.  Within each report, a listing of parameters selected for the report is provided along the top.