Rewards/Tender Cards

While payment by rewards card can be taken for pickup, The Edge does not allow rewards cards to be used for deposits and interim payments.  However, if deposits or interim payments were made in cash, The Edge does allow for final payment by rewards card and refund of the cash. 


To accept a rewards card toward a purchase or refill a tender card:


1.  Scan the reward card’s barcode.  The Tender Card window will appear with the card number and balance. 




In this example, the purchase price was deducted from the card balance and the remaining amount was left on the card for future use.


2.  Select OK.


If the card number must be entered manually:


1.  Select Tender/Reward Card.  The Tender/Reward Card window will appear.




2.  Enter the amount to be tendered in the Tender Amount field or select Use Max to use the remaining balance of the card towards a purchase. 

3.  Select OK if this is the amount to be paid in full or, if accepting a partial payment, manually enter the amount to be paid. 


There is far more detail about working with reward and referral cards in the section entitled Rewards under Administrative.