
For the purposes of tracking item locations within a store, The Edge offers a Location field in item records.  A location should be designated for every place in your store where you might look when searching for an item.  For example, you might have a showcase location such as Bridal, Window, or common locations like Vault, Safe, or Shop.  The Locations function works in conjunction with physical inventory in that you can assign items to a location while scanning or determine what is no longer there.


The Move function provides an efficient way to keep items physical locations up to date and accurate.  These features are detailed in this document.  For the purposes of this feature and document, “items” also refers to repairs, job envelopes, or anything that has a location.


When adding an item, select the location from the Location drop-down menu on the General tab.  The Locations drop-down menu is also used in the inventory function and in the move function.  Available locations, those which appear in the Location drop-down menu, are managed from Administrative ► Locations.


Assigning a location while adding inventory is not always practical, therefore an entry is not required.  Once inventory has been added, consider updating that item location by manually editing the item location at a later date.


If you're working with locations for the first time, The Edge will update the locations table with your previous locations.  Note that when using the Item Edit function, the Locations drop-down menu may include only active, inventory locations.  Repair and other service locations will only appear when appropriate for the function you're accessing.