Credit Card FAQs

Question:  Where do I batch out at the end of the day?


To receive payments from credit card transactions, settlement is required.  Most credit card processors set up clients to automatically settle batches at a specific time of day.  In addition, most processors support manual settlement.  Please contact your processor to see how your account is setup.  Note that processors may charge a fee for multiple daily settlement.  See the section entitled Credit Card Settlement for instructions on manual batch settlement.


Question:  I have a new credit card device I need to add to my existing credit card setup.  What do I do?


Contact your credit card processor to set up a time for configuration of the new system.


Question:  I’m replacing my server; will we be able to process credit cards?


During the time of replacement, you will not have access to credit cards; you should contact your credit card processor for a temporary solution.  Once your new server is in place and the processor software is reinstalled and configured, you can continue to process credit cards.