Credit Card Settlement

To receive payments from credit card transactions, settlement is required.  Credit card settlement varies greatly based on the type of integration your credit card system has within The Edge and your processing company.  Contact your credit card processing company for instructions on settlements.  If there is an error in batch reconciliation, an error message will go to whoever is listed on The Edge license.  System Options may allow additional recipients. 


If you’re working with one of our integrated partners, The Edge support can also provide guidance.


For TSYS, each PAX S300 card reader is independent of the others and each has its own batch.  If you must void a transaction, it must be done at the same workstation/device.  If you want to manually process a batch settlement, you must do so at the workstation where the transaction originally took place.  There is no need to do a batch settlement at all as these devices will automatically settle at 11:30 to 12:00 midnight local time.  To manually settle the batch:


1.  Go to Administrative Credit Cards Daily Settlement.  Unsettled amounts will appear.

2.  Verify that the dollar amount in the batch matches activity for the period to be settled.

3.  Select Close the Batch.  You'll be prompted to confirm.

4.  Do so.  Credit card transactions since the last settlement will be settled.