Commission Report

The Commission report details sales achieved by a particular associate and the commissions earned.  It requires that you select a time frame for transactions.  There is an option to include cost information, which results in the percent margin to be displayed.  In addition, you can narrow the report by customer criteria, store, and station number. 


There are four areas where you can work with setting commissions.  In general, settings that determine commissions are located in Administrative ► Associates.  At the category and vendor levels, commission overrides can be set.  See the sections entitled Adding a Category and Adding a Vendor.  Finally, System Options that control commission behavior.  Go to System Options and use the search field to find the term “commission.”


      On layaway, repair, and special order transactions, commission is credited to the associate who originally processed the intake regardless of who processes subsequent payments and pickups.

      If the Count Giveaway as a Penalty for % of Profit is checked, giveaways will affect the associates’ commission.  If it is not checked, giveaways will not penalize the associate’s commission.  This can only be calculated if the associate is set up for commission based on percent of profit.  If the associate is set up for percent of retail, then the commission calculated will always be zero anyway, as the sale price for a giveaway is zero.  If the associate is set up for commission based on percent of profit, and the box is checked, then the penalty for the giveaway will be the commission percentage times the giveaway item’s cost (not price).

      Sales tax is not a factor in Commissions and therefore is not reflected in this report.




Data fields in the Commission report include:


Associate #

The associate’s ID number.  The report is grouped by associate, and within associate, is grouped by:



      Bonus (spiff)



Associate Name

The associate’s name.

Sale #

The transaction number of the sale.

Item #

The item number of the item(s) sold.


A description of the item.


Whether the sale is split between more than one associate.


The price of the item.


The length of time the item has been in stock.


The profit margin.


Commission earned on the sale.


A summary appears at the bottom of the report: