Website Tab

If you are using Third-Party Website, the Website tab is where item upload settings are recorded.  For more about third-party website, see the section entitled Third-Party Website



Fields and options in the Web tab include:


Never Upload This Item

Indicates that the item should never be included in TPW uploads.

Always Upload This Item

Indicates that the item should always be included in TPW uploads.  Use this option with caution; when it is enabled, the item will remain on the website until you remove the check.  Always Upload This Item is typically used on fast selling items that you always want displayed on the website regardless of whether the item is in stock.


A full upload is required anytime the Always Upload or Never Upload boxes are selected or deselected.  Also, you should contact the web company to inform them that those settings were used. They will not automatically populate anywhere on the website until it is configured on the web provider’s end.

Web Category

The category from the website into which the item should be put.  This may not be the same as The Edge category.

Web Title

The title of the item as it will appear on the website.

Web Description

The description of the item as it will appear on the website.  By default, this will be the description that appears in the item record, but you can make changes as needed.

Meta Title

The item title as it should appear in the page's HTML meta tags.

Meta Description

The item description as it should appear in the page's HTML meta tags.

Meta Keywords

Search terms with which to associate this record.  Enter as many as you like, but separate them with a comma.