Top “n” Customers Report

The Top “n” Customers report lists the highest-spending customers.  It asks you to provide the value of “n,” which indicates the number of top customers to include based on either amount tendered or merchandise totals.  There is an option to exclude open layaways.  Beyond that, it requires only that you select a time frame.



Data fields in the Top “n” Customers report include:


Customer ID

The customer’s ID number.


Customer’s name and telephone number.

$ Amount/Number of Items

The amount of the sale(s) and how many items were purchased.

Average Item

The average price of the items purchased by this customer.

Month in which sale occurred

The months in which sales were made and how many.


The Top N Customers report is very useful in determining your top customers for purposes of marketing.  While not directly exportable, this report can be used in conjunction with the customer export function.  This is accomplished by taking the amount spent by the last person to make the cut (e.g. the amount spent by customer 500 in a top 500 report) and plugging it into the Amount Spent field on a customer export or mailing.