Store Charge Options

Everybody Can Charge

Set this to True to allow all customers to use a store charge or house account.  Set this to False to check if the customer is set up for a store charge or house account before allowing it at point of sale.

Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Dollar Amount

Works in conjunction with Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Percentage.  Allows you to waive the monthly finance charge if a payment was made.  Payment must meet threshold percentage or dollar amount entered here, whichever is greater.  This does NOT work unless you also set Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Percentage.

Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Interest Waived Message

If set to True, the statement will show a line item showing the interest being waived.

Store Charge Account Balance Threshold Percentage

Allows you to credit the last monthly finance charge if a payment on the store charge account balance is at least this percentage of the full balance.

Store Charge Interest Rate – Percentage

The interest rate to be charged on outstanding store charge balances as a percentage.   

Store Charge Minimum Fee – Dollar Amount

Store charge minimum fee (finance charge) as a dollar amount.  Note this only applies to store charge balances.

Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Dollar Amount

The minimum payment expected on outstanding store charge balances, expressed as a flat dollar amount.

If both Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Percentage and Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Dollar Amount are specified, then the greater of the two calculations will be used. If the minimum payment calculation returns an amount higher than the outstanding balance, then the outstanding balance amount will be used as the minimum payment amount.

Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Percentage

The minimum payment expected on outstanding store charge balances, expressed as a percentage of the outstanding balance.

Waive Interest if Balance is Zero Anytime During Period

Whether to charge interest on a store charge (house account) if the balance was zero at any time during the billing period.

Waive Interest if

Ending Balance was Zero

Whether to charge interest if the balance was zero at the end of the billing cycle.

Waive Interest if  Starting Balance was Zero

Whether to charge interest if the balance was zero at the beginning of the billing cycle.  Also known as a grace period.