Statement Options

Generate Statement for Customers With Activity but a Negative Ending Balance

Whether to generate a statement for a customer who did have activity in the period, but now has a negative balance.  Make sure you comply with any legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

Generate Statement for Customers With Activity but a Zero Ending Balance

Whether to generate a statement for a customer who did have activity in the period, but now has a zero balance.  Make sure you comply with any legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

Statement “From Address” Location Adjustment

When statements are printed, the amount, in 1/1440ths of an inch, the “from address” value should be moved up, down, in overall width, and in overall height.

Statement “To Address” Location Adjustment

When statements are printed, the amount, in 1/1440ths of an inch, the “to address” value should be moved up, down, in overall width, and in overall height.

Statement Closing Date

The day of the month for statement closing date (1-31).  Will automatically use the last day of February if 29, 30, or 31 is selected.

Statement Due Date Days After Statement End Date

Due date calculated by adding this number of days to the statement end date.

Statement Wording For Dates Outside the Current Period

Wording used in override message and in statement footer when the dates do not conform to the posting dates.  The default text is "The dates used to print this Statement do not conform to the current closing / print dates."

Statement Wording Interest

Wording for interest and average balance.  Ensure that your wording meets legal requirements.

Statement Wording Minimum Amount Due

Wording for minimum payment and due date.  Ensure that your wording meets legal requirements.  This field is limited to 110 characters.

Statement Wording When House Account Balances Have Been Estimated

Used primarily when upgrading to v. 6.1 and initially using the Aging function, indicates the wording to be used on statements that have been generated using an estimated balance.

Statement Wording When Running Without Closing

Wording used in the override message and in the statement footer when the statement has been printed before closing the current period.

Statement Wording When Store Charge Account Balance Thresholds Are Set

If using account balance thresholds to waive interest if a customer pays a specified amount of balance, this is the message that displays on the statement informing the customer how much must be paid in order to avoid the finance charge.