Start a Sale

The Edge makes it easy to categorically reduce the price of items for a special event.  This feature can be used for fine-item pricing and bulk UPC item pricing.  To start a sale:


1.  Select Administrative ► Start a Sale.  The Start a Sale window will appear.



Fields and options in the Start a Sale window include:


Item Filter

Presents a standard item filter to aid in narrowing down results.


The percentage discount to apply

Sign Type

The type of sign to generate for items put on sale

Sale Starts/Ends

The dates this sale will run (optional).

Skip items already on sale

If running multiple sales, items already on sale will not be affected by this new sale.

New Tags

Defines whether to generate new inventory tags for items put on sale.

2.  Complete the fields as desired and select OK.  The results window will appear.



3.  Select items to include on the sale and select OK.