Special Order Options

Special Order Cancellation Fee – Percentage

The amount, if any, in percentage of purchase price, should be charged if a special order is canceled.

Special Order Claim Check Fine Print

The fine print to appear on the special order claim check.

Special Order Enable Sales Tax by Default on Special Order Intake

The default value of the sales tax checkbox at special order intake.

Special Order Minimum Deposit – Percentage

The amount, if any, in percentage of purchase price, should be required for a deposit.

Special Order One Item Per Envelope

Whether only one special order item can be included in an envelope.

Special Order Print Claim Check on Customer Section of Envelope

Whether to print claim check on customer section of the special order envelope. 

Special Order Print Envelope

Whether a special order envelope should be generated.

Special Order Start Date

The date after which special order will be available for purchase orders.

Special Order Store Address Prints on Envelope

Whether to print the store address on the special order envelope.

Special Order Suggest Description Contains Equal Signs

When doing a special order intake, whether the suggested item description generated by The Edge from the item details shows a listing using details labels, equal signs, and values.

Special Order Vendor ID Required

Whether the vendor information must be included in the record.