Setting ETAs and Expiration Dates

When setting an ETA, usually to estimate when a service job or special order will be complete, or expiration dates, The Edge offers three ways to specify the date.  You can select from a drop-down calendar, enter a specific date, or enter a number of days from the current date.  


If you enter a number, The Edge will calculate the date for you.  For example, if you wish to set the date for one week from today, if you enter 7 in the ETA or expiration date field, The Edge will populate the field with a date one week from today.  In another example, when using this feature for default expiration settings, and you enter 365, and the default expiration date for such cards will always be one year from the date you activate the card.


In many instances, you can further specify time.  At the bottom of the calendar are fields to enter hour and minute and select A.M. or P.M.  For example, if you want to tell a customer that a repair will be done at 1:00 p.m., you can specify that.