Set Start Date in QuickBooks

Before you start posting from The Edge to QuickBooks, you must set a date that signifies the earliest date when detailed records inside The Edge should post to your QuickBooks company file.


When choosing a QuickBooks Start Date, you should:


      Discuss and coordinate this date with your accountant

      Strategize starting balances with your accountant (up to this date).

      Consider a date that is a start of a month

      Consider the accuracy and completeness of the data to be posted (are you too new to The Edge)

      Understand that data converted from a former system should not be posted.


Setting a QuickBooks start date is a maintenance step that may take time.  Backup The Edge first and perform the operation while no one is using The Edge.


1.  Select Administrative ► QuickBooks ► Set Start Date.  The Set QuickBooks Start Date window will appear.



2.  Select a Start Date from the date picker or enter the date.

3.  Select OK.