Replenish Current Inventory Report

The Replenish Current Inventory report shows categories that performed reasonably well and might make good areas for in which you might consider investing.  This report works in concert with the Replenish Base Stock report found in the Inventory Buying Tools feature.



Data fields in the Replenish Current Inventory report include:


Cost Range

The cost range to which the data is categorized.

% Total

What percentage of total sales this category or vendor and price point accounts for.  It is calculated based on the selling price.


# Sold

The total number of items in that grouping sold.



Average days to sell.  Of the items sold in this line, the number of days, on average, it took for them to sell.



Average retail sale for each item included in the number sold.



Average number on hand during that time period.



Number of items remaining on hand.



Average days in stock.  Average number of days that unsold items are in inventory.



The total retail value.



Cost of goods sold.


% Mgn

The profit margin based on the items that sold.



The discount that was taken at point of sale marked down from retail.



The average cost of inventory.  In this case, it is the average cost of each item included in the number sold.



The gross return on investment for that grouping.  If the value is above 150%, it will appear highlighted in green.



The true return on investment for that grouping.  This figure takes into account the full amount of time the item was in stock during the reporting period.



Number of times that inventory investment turned at cost of goods sold.