Repair Options

Enable Repairs

Whether to enable the repair job features.

Enforce See Cost on Jobs

Requires permission see costs and adjust cost on repairs.

Job Envelope Due Date Adjustment

Number of days to subtract from actual due date when printing repair due date on repair envelope.

Match Partial Repair Task SKU

If the user types in a task SKU that matches one SKU exactly, but is also a partial match for others, whether to list all results or just the matching one.

Maximum Height in Inches for JLRC Task Description

The maximum height, in inches, of the task description.  This also applies to custom jobs.

Move Services Permission Check Only Once

If set to True, the system will only require you to login when the Move Envelope screen is first opened and will not time out.  It remains logged in until you close out of this screen.

Number of Days to Auto-Fill Repair ETA

Prefill the ETA field for repairs to be this number of days after take-in.  To disable this feature, enter -1.

Preprinted Envelope for Repairs/Custom Jobs

Whether the envelope has a preprinted image for repairs and custom jobs.

Print Balance Due on Repair/Job Envelope

Whether to print the balance due on the repair/job envelope.

Print JRLC on Customer Section of Envelope

Whether to print JLRC slip on the customer side of the repair envelope.  This overrides the claim check.

Print Repair Envelope for “Estimate Only” Repairs

Whether to print an envelope for an “estimate only” repair job.

Print Repair Information on Each Page of Envelope When Multiple Pages

When printing a multi-page repair envelope, whether to repeat the repair information at the top of each page.

Repair “Other” Taxable by Default

Whether to include applicable tax on other charges of a repair.

Repair Claim Check

Whether to generate a claim check for the repair.

Repair Claim Check Fine Print

The fine print to appear on the bottom of the repair claim check.

Repair Envelope Print Customer Name and Phone Number

Whether the envelope should include the customer’s name and phone number.

Repair Express Service Labor Charge – Percentage

Percentage to increase labor cost for express service.  For example, enter 25 to pay your goldsmith 25 percent more for express service.

Repair Express Service Markup – Percentage

The percentage markup, if any, on a rush order.

Repair Job Sheet Fine Print for when Repair is an “Estimate Only”

If the repair is only an estimate, the fine print to appear on the job sheet.

Repair Labor Taxable by Default

Whether to include applicable tax on the labor of a repair.

Repair One Item Per Envelope

Whether only one item to be repaired can be included in an envelope or all of the customer’s repairs can be grouped together.

Repair Parts Taxable by Default

Whether to include applicable tax on the parts of a repair.

Repair Price Printed on Envelope

Whether to include the price of the repair on the envelope.

Repair Print Declared Value on Customer’s Receipt

Whether to include the declared value of the item on the envelope.

Repair Print Envelope

Whether a repair envelope should be generated.

Repair Print Store Address on Repair Envelope

Whether the envelope should include the address of the store where the repair was initiated.

Repair Receipt Fine Print for when Repair is an “Estimate Only”

If the repair is only an estimate, the fine print to appear on the receipt.

Repair Require Cost When Marking Task Done

Whether cost is required in order to mark a repair as done.

Repair Require Declared Value at Repair Intake

Whether a declared value must be included in the record.

Repair Require Part Status when Marking a Task Done or Cancelled

When marking a task done or cancelled, require all parts be either received or cancelled.

Repair Require Who on Done

The Who field is required to list the task as Done.

Repairs Displayed on Reports

Indicates how repairs should appear on sales tax and activity reports.

Repair Pickup Only when Marked Done

Allow only completed repair items to be picked up.

Repairs With Negative Values Requires Override

If a task value is negative on a repair, an override will be required.

Require “Condition” at Repair Intake

Whether condition of the item is to be required at intake.

Require Declared Value for Customer Owned Parts

Whether it is require to include declared value of customer-owned parts that are used on repairs and customer jobs.

Require ETA at Repair Intake

Whether to require ETA at repair take-in.

Require ID & Password on Repair Intake

Whether repair intake transactions require an ID.

Require Photo at Repair Intake/Edit

Whether a photo is required at intake or edit.

Require Reason Code from Repair Adjustment List

Whether to require a reason code when adjusting a repair or custom job.

Require Repair Deposit when Declared Value is Below this Dollar Amount

Items to be repaired that have a declared value lower than this amount will require the user to enter a deposit amount, which could be $0

Require a Task SKU for Repairs

Whether to require that each task have a SKU for repairs.

Silently Mark All Tasks Done

When scanning a job done, silently mark all tasks done without asking (also applies to custom job).

Start Cursor in Repair Task Description Instead of SKU

When adding a task to a repair, make the cursor start in the Description field instead of the SKU field.

Use Time of Day for Repair ETA

Record the time of day for ETA.