Re-Costing Items

Re-costing frequently happens when you are adding inventory or editing inventory records.  To do so:


1.  Locate the item using Item Find.

2.  From the desired item record, select Supervisor.

3.  From the context menu:

a.  To see the cost, select See Cost.

b.  To see the re-cost, select See Re-Cost.

c.   To change the re-cost value, select Change Pricing, which allows you to edit the Re-Cost field.



4.  Change the value to the desired amount.

5.  You will be prompted to record the re-cost date.

6.  Select OK/Save & Close.


    When new items are received, the cost that is entered is what is considered the current re-cost.

    To re-cost multiple items, use the Re-Cost feature in the Reprice function as described in the section entitled Reprice Items.

To allow an associate to re-cost items, go to Administrative ► Associates ► Security.