Recommended QuickBooks Accounts

Make sure that all activities in The Edge have corresponding accounts in QuickBooks, you should have accounts for the following:


Account Type

Account Name

Sub Account of…

Other Current Asset

Store Charges



Inventory Asset



Inventory QB

Inventory Asset


Inventory EDGE

Inventory Asset


Inventory Scrap

Inventory Asset


Inventory RTV

Inventory Asset


Inventory Assembly/Disassembly

Inventory Asset


Balance Adjustments



Missing Inventory



Rewards Cards



Referral Fees



Item Donation



Item Giveaway/Promotion



Fee Income



Appraisal Income



Shipping Income



Interest Income



Product Sales



Showcase Sales

Product Sales


Special Order & Memo

Product Sales


Shop Sales



Jewelry Repair

Shop Sales


Scrap Income



Care Plan


Other Current Liability

Customer Appraisal Deposits



Customer Layaway Deposits



Memo Out Deposits



Special Order Deposits



Repair Deposits



Gift Certificates



Refunds Due



Store Credits



Memo Goods



Memo Payments Due



Consignment Goods



Consignment Payments Due



Cost of Goods



Special Order & Memo

Cost of Goods


Showcase COGS

Cost of Goods


Scrap COGS



      We will use all of the above accounts in The Edge when we set up the QuickBooks integration.

      Create a customer named “Point of Sale” in QuickBooks.  This is where The Edge will post all sales data.

      Create a vendor account where you pay your sales tax to specify where The Edge should post tax liability.

      Create a payment method in QuickBooks for each method of tender taken in The Edge.