Receipt Options

If you obtain pre-printed forms on your own, you must do a test proof with The Edge and send it to us to be verified.  This will ensure your pre-printed forms will fit our receipt layout.  It may help to work with an Edge-approved vendor who will guarantee compatibility.


Ask Before Printing Receipt

Whether to offer a prompt or preview of a receipt before printing.  True results in a prompt at point of sale with Yes, No, and Preview options.

Ask to Print Gift Receipt

Whether to remind the associate to offer the customer a gift receipt.

Description Length Limit

Because repair and appraisal descriptions can get quite long, this option allows you to limit the length of long description that will appear on the receipt. 

Description Maximum Height

The maximum height of the printed description in inches.  Repair and appraisal descriptions can get very long.

Donation Disclaimer

If desired, enter the text for a disclaimer printed with a donated item description.

Enable Emailing of Receipts

Enable receipt emailing.

Giveaway Disclaimer

If desired, enter the text for a disclaimer printed with a giveaway item description.

Number of Receipt Copies

Number of copies of the receipt to print.

Number of Repair Photos to Print

The number of photos to print on the repair receipt; the limit is eight.

Omit “Receipt” from Receipts

Whether the receipt should have the word “Receipt” on the top or not.

Preprinted Receipt Paper

Indicates whether receipts are preprinted with artwork or forms.

Print Associate’s Last Name

Whether the sales associate’s last name should appear on the receipt.

Print Barcodes

Whether barcodes containing such information as transaction IDs, item IDs, or customer IDs should be included.

Print Notifications on Envelopes

Whether to print notifications on envelopes.

Print Store Name on Preprinted Receipts

If receipt paper is preprinted, then print store name on store copy.

Print Tear Guide

Whether a dashed line indicating where the receipt should be torn off should appear.

Receipt Disclaimer

Disclaimers (e.g., warranty limitations, etc.) that should be included on the receipt.  This can be used for marketing or other messages as well.  To enter such text, select the button in the Disclaimer field.  A text editor will appear in which to enter the message.  Select OK to save it.


To enter a blank line, type [blank] (including the brackets) for each line.  You can add additional lines before preprinted items to push text up or after preprinted items to push text down.

Receipt Preview

Whether the receipt should appear in print preview before being printed.

Repair Price Breakdown

Whether to breakdown repair prices between parts/labor/other on the receipt.

Repair/Custom Job Tax With Line Item

Whether to print repair taxes with the repair, not with the receipt subtotal.

Reserve Height for Preprinted Name and Address

Height of the preprinted name and address.

Show Balances on Receipts

Whether the customer’s balances should appear on the receipt.

Show Customer’s Address and Phone Number on Receipt

Whether the customer’s address and phone number should appear on the receipt.

Show Customer's Email Address on Receipt

Whether to print a customer's email address on printed receipts.

Show Discount Percentage Threshold

If discount exceeds this amount, the discount will be printed on the receipt. 

Show Discounts on Each Line

Whether the discounts on each item should appear on the receipt.

Show Expired Rewards on Receipts

Set to True to show expired rewards card balances on receipts with the expiration date.

Show Photos

Whether to print item images on the receipt.

Show Store Credit Balance on Receipts

Whether to show the store credit balance, if any, on each receipt.

Special Order Tax with Special Order Item

Print special order tax with the order, not with the receipt subtotal.

Where to Print Anti-Piracy ID

Where to print anti-piracy ID for preprinted paper.  We insist that your name and store number be used on all pre-printed forms.  To accommodate a variety of designs, we give you a choice as to where this information will appear.