Purchase Order Options

Open Previous Non-Submitted Purchase Orders

When starting a new purchase order for a specified vendor, any non-submitted purchase orders will be opened for additional items.



Purchase Order BCC Email Address

Email address(es) to use by default in the BCC email field in Purchase Order Settings.  If there is more than one, separate them by semi-colons (;). 

Purchase Order Email Address

The email address of the store when sending an email on a purchase order.



Purchase Order Most Recent Item Cost

If set to True, The Edge will use the most recent cost for the vendor style in the purchase order.


Save Most Recent Purchase Order Settings

If set to True, The Edge will save settings in Purchase Order Settings for future purchase orders.


Show Images by Default on Purchase Orders

If set to True, item images will be shown on the Purchase Order window.


Show Images by Default on Receive Invoice

If set to True, item images will be shown in the Receive Invoice window.