Promotions/Why In

The Promotions/Why In feature helps track the results of advertising and other promotional activity.  This function is based on the interface’s Why In field.  This section describes how to define the wording that will appear in that drop-down list.


To work with Promotions:


1.  Select Administrative ► Promotions/Why In.  The Promotions/Why In window will appear.



2.  To add a new promotion record, select Add.  The New Promotion window will appear. To edit a promotion record, select it and select Edit



The data fields and options for both functions include:


The ID number for the promotion.

Event / Promotion

The name of the promotional event generating the traffic.


The proper name of the medium used to promote the event.


A more detailed description of the event. 


For a particular event, you’ll want to add a promotion for each ad taken to promote it.  Therefore, when a customer comes in and responds to the Why In question, you’ll have a drop-down item that matches the answer; e.g., “I saw your ad in The News.”


The date the event begins and the date the event should appear on the Why In list.


The date the event ends.

Show Until

The date until which the item should appear on the Why In drop-down list.


The cost to the store of the advertisement.

3.  Complete the Promotion fields as desired and select the appropriate save option from the Record Navigation Bar


Under System Options ►Promotions, Why In can be set to be a required entry at point of sale.  Be sure to make your promotion list flexible enough for your sales associates.