POS Options

Ask “Are You Sure?” When Cancelling an Order

Whether to include an Are You Sure prompt for canceling an order.

Cash Drawer Button

Controls the behavior of the cash drawer button.

Cash Drawer Options

Defines when to open the cash drawer.

Customer Add Screen

Select which customer add window to use in the Point of Sale window:



Display a Menu on Service Scan

Whether to enable scanned service action menu at POS.  True enables a menu that will provide possible actions (payment / pick up / cancel) for this envelope when scanned.  False will act immediately on the scanned envelope bringing it up for pick up if available, otherwise payment. 

Enable Adding New Customers at POS

Whether to enable the New Customer button in the Point of Sale window.

Fast Customer Find Preferred Contacts Only

When using the fast customer find at POS, whether to return only preferred contact methods.  True returns only preferred contact methods; False returns all matching contact methods. The Edge default is True


Fast Customer Find Return Options

When searching using the fast customer find at POS, the results that will be returned.  Options include:

Individual:  Returns only matching individual records

Couple:  Returns matching records from either individual in the couple.


Fast Customer Find Starting Field

When searching using the fast customer find at POS, what should be the default starting field, i.e., cursor placement.  Options include:

Last name

First name



Flash Sale Line Buttons

Flash buttons on the sale line when indicated by certain pop-ups, flags, or other indicators.

Giveaway Threshold Amount – Percentage

If a giveaway exceeds this percentage of the other merchandise on the sale, an override is required.

Inventory Item Pop-Up at POS

Pop-up notes for inventory items when placed on a sale line.

Item Tax Override

Whether to enable the checkbox to allow an entire sale to be taxed as if it were a single item.  This is useful in some states for “trade up” sales.  This item is always set to True for stores located in Tennessee.

No Address on File

Defines the text to display at point of sale if the customer has no address on file.

No Email Address on File

Defines the text to display at point of sale if the customer has no email on file.

No Mailing Address

Defines the text to display at point of sale if the customer has one or more addresses on file, but none specified for as a mailing address.

No Phone Number on File

Defines the text to display at point of sale if the customer has no phone number on file.

No Preferred Email Address

Defines the text to display at point of sale if the customer has no preferred Email address selected.

No Preferred Phone

Defines the text to display at point of sale if the customer has no preferred phone number on file.

Occasion Days

If an occasion is within this many days, it will appear at point of sale.

Pay in Full Without Pick Up Options

Level of security needed to allow a job to be paid in full without picking it up. 

No Check:  Anyone can pay in full without picking up.

Prompt:  Prompt when an attempt is made to pay in full without picking up.

Override:  An override is necessary when an attempt is made to pay in full without picking up.

Refund Limit Requires Override

Any refund, other than credit memo, great than this amount requires an override.  Use -1 to disable.

Require Address when Entering New Customer

Whether to require a customer address when a customer is added at point of sale.

Require Email when Entering New Customer

Whether to require that an email address be entered with a new customer record at POS. An override can allow the customer to decline.

Require Permission to Allow Tax Changes at POS

Level of security needed to change the change whether a sale is taxable.

No Permission Required: Anyone can change tax.   

Requires Permission: Associate must have permission, but will not otherwise be prompted.
Requires Override: Associate must have permission & will be prompted with an override window if trying to change taxable status.

Require Permission to Sell Item from Another Store

Whether to require permission when selling an item located in another store.  Options are:

Do Not Require

Ask Are You Sure?

Require Override.

Require Permission to Sell to Cash Customer

Require a permission check to make sales to the cash customer.

Require Phone Number when Entering New Customer.

Whether to require that a phone number be entered with a new customer record at POS. An override can allow the customer to decline.

Require Why In for Every Sale

Whether the WhyIn field is required.

Require Why In for New Customers

Whether the WhyIn field is required for new customers.

Restocking Fee for Returned Merchandise – Percentage

How much as a percentage of purchase price, if any, to charge for a restocking fee in a return transaction.

Returned Items when on a Sale with a Giveaway Item Options

Level of security needed to validate a return that has a giveaway as part of the sale.

No Check:  Anyone can perform this action.

Prompt:  Prompt when an attempt is made to perform this action.

Override:  An override is necessary when an attempt is made to perform this action.

Sell or Use Out of Stock Bulk Options

Controls what to do when a user attempts to sell or use an out-of-stock bulk item.  There are three options:    Ignore it, Ask “Are you sure?” and require an override.

Show Collection Pop-Up

If an item that is part of a collection, this option will enable a pop-up at point of sale to prompt the associate to suggest other items in the collection to the customer.

Show Customer Activity Summary at POS

Whether to show an activity summary at point of sale.

Show Customer Email at POS

Whether to show customer email at point of sale.

Show Customer Phone Number at POS

Whether to show customer phone number at point of sale.

Show Number of Items to be Picked Up or Make Payments at POS

Whether to show the number of transactions available for pickup/payment next to the corresponding button.

Show Only Selected Customer’s Services

For linked customer accounts (spouse/partner), whether to show layaways, special orders, repairs, memos, and custom jobs on the Payment & Pickup buttons/screens for just the selected customer or for both the customer & their spouse.

Tax Refunded on Returns With No Receipt or Sale Record

Whether taxes are to be refunded on a return of an item with no receipt or sale record.

Update Sold Item SKUs from Other Stores

If enabled, if an item recorded as being in one store is sold in another, The Edge will update the item number to reflect the selling store.

Use Fast Customer Find at POS

When searching for customer as POS, this will bring up an abbreviated Customer Find window.

Use Small Task Lines for Repairs and Custom Jobs

Use small task line for repairs and custom jobs on intake at point of sale.

Why In Allow Typing

Set to True to allow users to type in the why-in reason.  Otherwise they can pick from the list.

Why In is Optional if Sale Includes a Cancellation

Whether the WhyIn field is optional if the sale contains an order cancellation.

Why In is Optional Payment if Sale Includes a Payment on Account

Whether the WhyIn field is optional if the sale contains a payment on account.

Why In is Optional if Sale Includes a Pickup

Whether the WhyIn field is optional if the sale contains a pickup.

Why In is Optional if Sale Includes an Adjustment to Repair or Custom Job

Responding to the WhyIn field is optional if the sale contains an adjustment to a repair or custom job.

Why In is Optional if Sale Includes a Return

Whether the WhyIn field is optional if the sale contains a return.

Why In is Optional if Sale Includes an Intake

Whether the WhyIn field is optional if the sale contains an intake.