Podium Options

Podium Contact Method

Contains options for sending texts and emails via Podium.  Options are:

Only Send Correct Phone Email:  Without offering options at POS, Podium will automatically request a review provided correctly formatted information is provided.

Open Phone Email Selector Every Time:  Offers the prompt at POS with every customer transaction asking for verification of data and whether to send text or email.

Open Phone Email Selector When Defaults Not Correct:  If a phone number or email address is not available or in the correct format, the selector window will appear for further action.

Podium Retry Period

To ensure that your customers are not sent too many requests, this option allows you to select how many days should pass between requests.  Podium sets the minimum at 60 days, but you can use this setting to increase the number of days.

Podium Send Always

If True then Podium will always send a request for any transaction.  If False, then Podium will only send requests on appraisal pickup, customer job pickup, layaway pickup, memo pickup, repair pickup, gift cert sale, tender card sale, item sale, special order pickup, and trade in.  It will not send requests for interim transactions such as repair intake.  The default is False.

Use Podium for SMS

If True then text messages (SMS) for notifications will use the Podium platform.  Marketing messages are never sent through Podium.