Manage Reports Menu

Memorized reports appear in the Reports window navigation bar.  By default, reports will be saved at the bottom of the Reports menu for that report section.  For example, if you created a report based on any of the Activity reports, your memorized report will be saved at the bottom of the Activity reports list.  To change how those items appear and manage other settings:

1.  Select Administrative ► Manage Reports Menu.  The Manage Memorized Reports window will appear.


The hierarchy of reports shown will mirror what is shown in the main Reports window.   Also notice that the reports you created are in italics.  What you arrange here is what will appear in the Reports window.  Options in the Manage Memorized Reports window include:


Expands the hierarchy to show the whole list of reports.


Collapses the hierarchy to show only the top-level list.

New Group

Allows you to create a new category of reports.

Add Run All Button

Allows you to add a button to the Reports menu to run all reports in that section.

The Run All feature may constitute a lot of reporting and will consume system resources for some time.


Allows you to mark the report inactive or active according to whether you want it to appear in the Reports window.  If you select Deactivate, it will be saved, so you can mark it active at a later time.


Deletes the report.  A backup file will be saved; this can be used to reactivate the report using Import option described below.


Shows the settings for the button, but does not permit editing of the report filter.


Provides options such as:


      Import Memorized Report:  Allows you to import memorized reports exported by The Edge or other stores.   This also allows you to recover a deleted report.

      Export Memorized Report:  Allows you to export memorized reports for use in sharing with other stores.

      Reset to Program Defaults:  Returns the Report menu to those initially provided with The Edge.

Move Up/Move Down/Move Left/Move Right

Allows you to move the memorized report button relative to others in the hierarchy.  For example, to place a button in the Activity report section, move it up to the Activity section, select Move Right or Move Left to position it under a different level.


Reverts the hierarchy to the state it was in since the last save.


Saves the changes made to hierarchy and closes the window.


Closes the window without saving changes.


2.  Make changes to the structure as desired and select Save/Close.  The Report will reflect that structure.

To erase memorized reports and go back to the pre-packaged reports, select Administrative ► Manage Reports Menu ► Supervisor ► Reset Reports to System Defaults.