Linked Customer Accounts

If you have a customer record with a linked Spouse/Partner there is a system option that controls how layaways, special orders, repairs, memos, and custom jobs will show at POS and how they will appear in the Payment / Pick Up screens.


The system option is found under POS Options & provides two choices:


Only display this customer’s available services for payment and/or pick up.


Display customer & spouse/partner’s available services for payment and/or pick up.


Example 1

Customer Pam Smith and spouse John Smith have a linked account.

John has a layaway in his name only (1 service).

Pam has a repair & special order in her name only (2 services).


With this option set to False, all transactions show at POS regardless of customer selected.



With this option set to True, only transactions for the selected customer show.



Example 2

John picks up his layaway and no longer has any services in his name (0 services).

Pam still has a repair and special order in her name (2 services).


With this option set to False, all transactions show regardless of customer selected.



With this option set to True, only transactions for the selected customer show.  However in this case John doesn’t have any transactions, but there are transactions available under his spouse.  To make the associate discreetly aware the buttons are highlighted in a light green and do not display the number of available transactions.



When you do a payment or pick up there is a radio button in the upper right that controls what is shown.  The system option controls how this defaults but can still be changed at POS.