Import Repair SKU Table

The Edge allows you to import repair SKUs (i.e., those available from David Geller).  To do so:


1.  Contact Jeweler Profit at 888-255-9848 or to have your Edge license updated.

2.  When you get your new license, install it.

3.  Download the newest .edgetasksku file from EdgeUser and save the file to a place you will remember.

4.  From within The Edge, select Administrative ►Repairs ►Import SKU Table.  The Import SKU Table window will appear.



Fields and options in the Import SKU Table window include:


Import SKUs from File…

Select source file for SKU import using the browse window and locating one of these files:

    Edge Simple SKUs

    Geller Blue Book.


Method by which SKUs should be imported when some already exist:

    New SKUs Only

    Overwrite all SKUs

    Preserve SKUs Created Here

    Preserved SKUs Modified Here.

Price/Cost Adjustment

By how much costs and prices should be adjusted at import.

    Cost Parts

    Cost Labor

    Cost Other

    Price Parts

    Price Labor

    Price Other

Round to Dollar

Whether the prices above should be rounded to the nearest dollar.


5.  Use the Import SKUs from File… drop-down to browse to the saved file.

6.  We recommend that you opt to Overwrite all SKUs.

7.  Make other changes as needed.

8.  Select OK to proceed with the import process.


The Geller data is licensed from Jeweler Profit.  You will not be able to import the full book unless you have purchased a license from Jeweler Profit.  Please contact them directly at 888-255-9848 or visit them on the web at