Hyperion Scanner Troubleshooting



Barcodes do not scan.

      To find out where the error is, open Notepad on the computer and scan a barcode off a random item such a water bottle. It should display the barcode number within Notepad. 

§ If it does, then the scanner is functioning and it is likely a print issue with the barcode itself.  Try reprinting the barcode. 

§ If it does not, reprogram the scanner.*

Repair envelope data goes to wrong field.

      Reprogram the scanner.*

Service envelopes scan correctly, but item tags do not.


      Reprogram the scanner.*  If you are unable to scan the barcode at all even after trying various heights and angles, then this is an issue with the printed barcode try the following fixes.

§ Try a different category.

§ Verify the tag is clear and not spotty, blotched, or other issues of poor printing quality. Try re-printing this tag.

§ If you have never been able to scan a tag easily or this is your first time trying, you may need to adjust the tag layout as well. Try adjusting the tag layout or increasing the barcode font size from 22-26 until you are able to scan this tag. You may need to copy this edited layout between all categories and reprint the tags.


See the tip sheet entitled Scanner Programming Codes (http://docs.edgeuser.com/TIP-2014-058_Scanner_Programming_Codes.pdf).