How System Options Impact Gift Receipts

If Ask Before Printing Receipt is set to True, it will prompt for printing receipts, but also prompt “Would you like a gift receipt?”



If Ask to Print Gift Receipt is enabled (it is the default), when a receipt is printed, you will be prompted as to whether you want a gift receipt.  If you select Yes, the Gift Receipt window as described above will appear.


If your store has Preview enabled, you have full control of the Gift Receipt functions; the button is present.


If you have Preview enabled AND Ask to Print Gift Receipt set to True, when you select Print from the preview, you get the prompt again.


If you have Ask Before Printing Receipt set to True and Preview to False, when you select Done from Point of Sale, a button offering if you would like a gift receipt will appear.


If you have both Preview and Ask Before Printing Receipt set to False, AND Ask to Print Gift Receipt set to True, The Edge prints a receipt silently as usual, but will offer the “Would you like a gift receipt?” option. If you select Yes, the gift receipt picker will appear.


      If you forget to print a gift receipt, you can do so any time just as you would reprint any receipt.  Lookup the sale, select it, and select Gift Receipt from the preview.  To do so, use Customer ► Sales ► Find ► or use Point of Sale ► Review Receipts.

      Gift receipts are available for any completed transaction (e.g., item sale, repair pickup, layaway pickup).

      Transactions such as intake, payments, returns, and trades, which are part of the current transaction, are automatically excluded to make the gift receipt appropriate.