





aged inventory management system

A process designed to take a proactive approach to aging inventory.  The goal of AIMS is the reduction and elimination of old inventory.  This is accomplished by using a tiered system of assigning spiff and price markdowns to items dynamically as they age.


bulk master record

An inventory record that serves as the item record for all bulk items of that style number. 


bulk quantity record

Bulk quantity records are a subset of bulk master records, but are based on shipments.  For example, if you receive 10 of a particular bulk item, a bulk quantity record is created.


bulk instance record

Bulk instance records are created when a bulk item is sold or otherwise used individually.  Creation of an instance record depletes the quantity record for that item.


bulk pricing methods

      General Merchandise, UPC/SKU:  Appropriate when an item is carried in quantity and carries the same cost and price each, e.g., charms, batteries, and bead lines.

      Buy and Sell Item by Unit of Measure, IUOM:  Appropriate when an item is carried in quantity that includes a physical count and a measure and sold per measure, e.g., melee diamond parcels.

      Buy and Sell by Measure Only, UOM:  Appropriate when an item is carried in measure and sold per measure, e.g., gold stock.

      Mixed Retail Pricing, PRE:  Appropriate when an item represents a group of like-items of differing costs and prices but consistent markup, e.g., watchbands.


cost of goods sold

The direct costs attributable to the production of the goods sold by a company. This amount includes the cost of the materials used in creating the good along with the direct labor costs used to produce the good. It excludes indirect expenses such as distribution costs and sales force costs. 



Items owned by a customer that reside at and are to be sold by the store, at which time the customer will receive payment.  Also see memo items.


gross return on investment

An inventory profitability evaluation ratio that analyzes a firm's ability to turn inventory into cash above the cost of the inventory. It is calculated by dividing the gross margin by the average inventory cost and is used often in the retail industry. 


customer account types

CH:  House Account

Reward Card:  Reward Card

L:  Layaway

R:  Repair

CR:  Store Credit.


inventory types

A:  Assembled

P:  Take-Off

U:  Custom

S:  Stock

M:  Memo

C:  Consignment

O:  Special Order

T:  Trade-In

B:  Built

E:  Template

V:  Virtual Model

I:  Internet Model approved

J:  Internet Model Browse not yet approved

F:  Faux Model

L:  Live Model


item statuses

I:  In stock

L:  On Layaway

S:  Sold

A:   Memo Out

V:   Returned to Vendor

M:  Missing

D:  Disassembled

U:  Consumed here (i.e. as a part)

    Consumed gone (no status letter, determined by sold or in stock)

X:  Scrapped

G:  Giveaway

N:  Donation

W:  Work in Progress

C:   Cancelled

E:  Template.


Purchase Order Statuses:

Q:  Queued

E:  Entered

B:  Backordered

O:  On Order

C:  Cancelled.


item unit of measure

Bulk item pricing method; see bulk pricing methods above.



In concert with Rapid Reorder, a designation of the minimum number of an item to be kept in stock at all times.


memo item

Items owned by a vendor that reside at and are to be sold by the store, at which time the vendor will receive payment.   Also see consignment.


Bulk pricing method; see bulk pricing above


purchase order statuses

      New             P/O line added, not saved or ordered.

      Entered       P/O line added and saved, but not ordered.

      Ordered      P/O line entered and ordered.

      Received      Full quantity for this P/O line received to inventory

      Canceled      Order has been canceled

      Back Order   Items ordered but unavailable for shipping.



The repricing feature allows you to change the price of an item or several items.  Re-cost allows you to change and track replacement cost of an item.


radio frequency identification

A technology that allows reading of tags by radio frequency.   The tag contains a chip which the wand can interact with.  They do not require line-of-sight with text or a barcode. 



A computer that may or may not serve as a workstation, but in any case, houses the databases.


special order status

      Need More Info

      Need to Order

      Waiting on Vendor

      All Here

      Part Here

      Complete or Canceled.


true return on investment

The return on investment taking account how long the item has been in inventory.


unit of measure

Bulk pricing method; see bulk pricing above


universal product code/stock keeping unit

Bulk pricing method; see bulk pricing above


work in progress

A build or assembly that has been initiated but has never added a SKU and does not have a completed task.


work station

A computer running The Edge that does not house the databases.







account report........................ 525

account types, customer.......... 786

account, postcard................... 249

accruing rewards.................... 695

acquire photo..................... 18, 20

acquisition...................... 208, 321

activate reward card............... 694

activity by time & day............. 467

activity reports....................... 461

activity tab............................ 231

activity tab, customer record.... 230

add customer......................... 323

add item manually, receive invoice 88

add permission........................ 18

add task, item assembly.......... 118

adding a category..................... 31

adding a new customer........... 246

adding a purchase order.......... 141

adding a stone......................... 66

adding a vendor....................... 46

adding an item......................... 59

address, customer........... 220, 221

addressee, results tab............. 202

adjust a repair cost................. 365

adjusting balances.................. 225

adjustment reason, repair....... 367

adjustments report................. 564

adjustments, rewards balance.. 700

administrative menu............... 612

advertising report................... 538

aging house accounts.............. 274

aging, undoing....................... 278

AIMS...................... 168, 176, 785

allocate special order................ 85

allocate, item........................... 63

allocating items........................ 83

already finished, custom job.... 371

already finished, repair............ 355

alternate items....................... 411

amount due report.................. 559

amount spent tab, customer find 209

appointment notifications........ 569

appointments................. 329, 566

appointments tab, customer record 238

appointments, at POS............. 415

appointments, creating............ 566

appointments, next................. 575

appointments, queued............. 575

appraisal tab, customer find..... 212

appraisal, print....................... 335

appraisals, find....................... 443

appraisals, intake................... 352

ask before printing.................. 422

ask if gift receipt.................... 422

assemble from previous.......... 120

assemble from scratch............ 113

assemble from template.......... 119

assemble item supervisor menu 113

assemble items...................... 112

assembled tab, item record....... 80

assembly template.................. 119

assembly, cancelling............... 123

associate............................... 320

associate commissions............ 540

associate, changing................ 316

associate, ID.......................... 320

associates.............................. 613

associates, commission........... 615

associates, security................. 617

asterisks, item list view....... 70, 99

attendance report................... 544

automatic markdown.............. 169

automatic markdown, category.. 34

automatic markup, category...... 33

automatic markup, vendor......... 49

back from vendor................... 103

backdating............................. 380

backup database.................... 607

balance adjustments, rewards.. 700

balances report...................... 524

balances, adjusting................. 225

balances, rewards................... 528

barcode scanner..................... 730

barcode, item.......................... 62

billing statements................... 281

bonus poster.......................... 496

bonus poster.......................... 177

bonus, rewards...................... 687

breakdown report................... 563

build from previous................. 122

build from scratch................... 121

build from template................ 122

build, cancelling..................... 123

bulk instance record.......... 59, 785

bulk inventory merge.............. 106

bulk inventory, item................. 57

bulk item supervisor menu 103, 105

bulk master............................. 59

bulk master record................. 785

bulk pricing methods............... 785

bulk quantity record.......... 59, 785

buy and sell, item..................... 71

buy period............................. 179

buying plan............................ 171

buying tools.................... 168, 171

by acquisition report............... 520

by why in report..................... 522

by ZIP report......................... 518

calculate commission.............. 726

calculating interest................. 284

calculations............................. 11

call before starting.......... 351, 372

camera.............................. 18, 20

cancel....................................... 9

cancel assembly..................... 123

cancel build........................... 123

canceling an order.................. 341

cancelling a credit card sale..... 396

capitalization........................... 11

care plan pricing..................... 718

care plan pricing on tags........... 39

care plan repair SKU report...... 565

care plan repair SKUs.............. 720

care plan report...................... 556

care plan updates................... 717

care plan, repair intake........... 368

care plans.............................. 387

care program......................... 720

care programs........................ 717

cash...................................... 392

cash customer........................ 328

catalog files, vendor................. 52

categories, listing..................... 30

category adjustment, vendor..... 49

category setup.................. 30, 540

category, changing................. 101

category, item......................... 61

category, new.......................... 31

cell calculations........................ 11

change category..................... 101

change pricing........................ 102

changing a customer............... 316

changing a sale...................... 316

changing an associate............. 316

changing sales tax rate........... 619

changing why-in..................... 316

checks................................... 393

clienteling.............................. 298

clienteling purchase history...... 299

clock, punch.......................... 589

close period........................... 279

close period, undoing.............. 280

COGS.................................... 785

COGS sales............................ 179

collections................. 91, 125, 385

color code, wish list................ 229

color codes, purchase orders 87, 143

columns, lists........................... 14

commission............................ 615

commission adjustment, category 32

commission adjustment, vendor. 49

commission on sale................. 232

commission report.................. 540

compacting the database......... 607

conducting a sale.................... 320

configuration.......................... 730

configuration, RFID................. 165

configuring email settings........ 702

configuring email settings, customer marketing 771

configuring email settings, notifications  771

configuring email settings, receipts 769

consignment................... 110, 785

consumed................................ 80

consumed, item build.............. 122

contact information.................... 3

contact method, appointments. 568

contact methods............. 220, 329

contact tab, vendor.................. 46

context-sensitive help............. 610

conversion report................... 501

copy details............................. 88

copy from................................ 36

cost history report.................. 552

cost of goods sold................... 785

cost, item................................ 64

cover page, report.................. 456

create a take-off, item disassembly 123

creating appointments............. 566

creating lists.......................... 630

credit card FAQs..................... 764

credit card settlement............. 764

credit card settlement errors.... 764

credit card troubleshooting...... 765

credit card types.................... 763

credit card, cancelling sale....... 396

credit card, void sale............... 396

credit cards.................... 393, 762

credit manager, vendor............. 47

credit memo, accepting as payment 402

criteria page.......................... 457

custom job............................ 370

custom job, parts................... 375

custom task detail, custom job. 374

customer account types........... 786

customer add......................... 323

customer address............ 220, 221

customer contact methods....... 329

customer criteria, mailing........ 263

customer data, exporting......... 269

customer database................. 198

customer edit......................... 328

customer edit, spouse/partner records   223

customer email............... 221, 222

customer emails, sending........ 271

customer find......................... 321

customer IDs........................... 24

customer information.............. 323

customer mailing.................... 263

customer marketing email settings 771

customer mismatch................ 398

customer phone.............. 220, 221

customer postcards................. 249

customer record, duplicate 246, 324

customer report..................... 513

customer returned items......... 553

customer statements.............. 274

customer supervisor menu....... 242

customer supervisor menu....... 242

customer, changing................ 316

customer, disable................... 242

customer, editing................... 218

customer, find........................ 198

customer, item......................... 64

customer/group mailing lists.... 267

customers, adding.................. 246

daily activity.......................... 461

daily activity by department report 474

data........................................ 14

database mode...................... 730

database, backup................... 607

database, compacting............. 607

database, customer................ 198

DataMax tag printer................ 777

date change........................... 380

date selection.......................... 12

dates...................................... 13

dates tab, customer find.......... 206

dates, rolling............................ 13

declared value, custom job...... 372

declared value, repairs............ 355

delete line............................. 335

delete wish list entry............... 412

deleted items report............... 551

departments............................ 42

deposit, custom job................ 372

description template............ 40, 66

description, item...................... 66

details..................................... 35

details sheet, job.................... 449

details tab, category record....... 34

details, item............................ 95

diamond.................................. 68

disable customer.................... 242

disassemble item.................... 123

disassembled tab, item record... 80

disassembling........................ 124

discontinued style................... 130

do not exceed................. 351, 372

donate.................................. 336

donations.............................. 384

donations report..................... 499

done..................................... 416

drop-down menus................... 628

drop-down values..................... 67

due at pickup, custom job....... 372

due date detailed report.......... 560

duplicate customer record 246, 324

each individually, results tab.... 202

earning rewards credits........... 401

Edge Community........................ 4 4

edit bulk quantities, item......... 103

edit customer......................... 328

edit labor, item assembly........ 123

edit sale................................ 313

edit task when scanned........... 449

editing a customer record........ 218

editing a purchase order.......... 147

editing assembled items.......... 123

editing built items................... 123

editing lists............................ 628

editing special orders.............. 433

editor, image........................... 19

editor, photo............................ 19

email administration............... 703

email configuration................. 702

email headers and footers....... 704

email job details..................... 430

email receipt.......................... 416

email receipts........................ 769

email settings........................ 769

email subjects and greetings.... 706

email support......................... 611

email, customer.............. 221, 222

emailing wish lists........... 302, 308

emails, customer, sending....... 271

entering wish lists items.......... 405

envelopes........................ 27, 418

errors, credit card settlement... 764

estimate only, custom job........ 371

estimate only, repairs............. 356

estimated statement............... 274

estimated statements, finding.. 278

ETA........................................ 13

ETA, custom job..................... 372

ETA, repair............................ 363

Excel export........................... 458

exceptions reports.................. 550

exclude empty....................... 455

exclude from rewards............... 64

expiration dates....................... 13

exporting customer data.......... 269

exporting reports.................... 458

express service, custom job..... 371

express service, repair............ 356

FAQs, credit card.................... 764

fast customer add................... 323

fast sellers............................. 172

fee calculations...................... 284

field values....................... 67, 628

file menu............................... 606

filtering by date........................ 12

filtering reports........................ 16

filters...................................... 11

finance charge calculations...... 284

find customer................. 198, 321

find gift certificates................. 288

find item, RFID....................... 110

find sale supervisor menu........ 315

finding a vendor....................... 49

finding a wish list item............ 410

finding an item......................... 90

finding items, item assembly.... 122

finding jobs by notification....... 708

finding rewards...................... 697

finding statements.................. 279

finding wish lists............. 301, 412

first N records, printing signage 155

fixup bulk quantities............... 106

fixup status............................ 103

format, list.............................. 10

frequently-used SKU............... 643

G/L report, QuickBooks........... 674

general ledger report, QuickBooks 674

general tab, category record...... 32

general tab, custom job........... 371

general tab, customer find....... 198

general tab, item find............... 90

general tab, item record............ 61

general tab, repair.................. 641

general tab, repair task details. 358

general tab, rewards............... 687

general tab, task details, custom job      374

gift card report....................... 535

gift certificate recipient............ 344

gift certificate, editing............. 289

gift certificate, selling.............. 343

gift certificates....................... 288

gift certificates, as payment..... 397

gift receipt............................. 416

gift receipt options.................. 421

gift receipts........................... 419

giveaway............................... 336

giveaway report..................... 498

giveaway report (management) 554

giveaways............................. 382

Godex tag printer................... 776

green receipt......................... 416

green receipts........................ 769

GROI............................. 505, 785

gross return on investment...... 785

group by............................... 455

group mailing lists.................. 265

group pane............................ 458

hardware troubleshooting........ 773

headers and footers, email...... 704

headquarters ID..................... 732

help...................................... 610

history tab, item record............. 82

history, item.......................... 100

history, postcard.................... 255

history, repair................. 365, 380

house account aging report...... 526

house accounts...................... 274

house accounts, aging............. 274

Hyperion scanner.................... 775

ID scanner............................. 326

ID the associate..................... 320

identify yourself....................... 17

IDs, customer.......................... 24

IDs, item................................. 24

IDs, transaction....................... 24

image................................ 18, 20

image editor............................ 19

image properties................. 19, 20

image, custom job.................. 372

image, repairs........................ 355

importing repair SKUs............. 646

in stock and sold report........... 481

in stock by category report...... 481

in stock by location report....... 483

in stock by vendor report......... 482

in stock, item assembly........... 115

in-case signage........................ 34

initial amount, rewards............ 686

instance record, bulk......... 59, 785

intake, repair......................... 641

interest................................. 279

interest calculations................ 284

interim.................................. 179

inventory................................. 29

inventory buying tools..... 168, 171

inventory levels...................... 128

inventory reports.................... 477

inventory tab, rewards............ 687

inventory type......................... 93

inventory types...................... 786

inventory, item........................ 63

inventory, QuickBooks............. 664

invoice, item............................ 62

invoice, receive by.................... 87

invoice, receive item................. 85

item allocation......................... 83

item assembly........................ 112

item assembly from previous... 120

item assembly from scratch..... 113

item assembly from template... 119

item assembly supervisor menu 120

item building from previous..... 122

item building from scratch....... 121

item building from template..... 122

item category, changing.......... 102

item collections...................... 125

item description template.... 40, 66

item details............................. 95

item details lists..................... 630

item details tab, item find.......... 94

item disassembly.................... 123

item donation......................... 384

item edit, item assembly......... 123

item edit, item build................ 123

item entry............................... 64

item history...................... 82, 100

item IDs.................................. 24

item information, repairs......... 355

item labor, item assembly....... 117

item levels............................. 491

item list view supervisor menu... 99

item list view, asterisks....... 70, 99

item lists............................... 628

item location................... 131, 648

item order from list view........... 99

item parts.............................. 113

item per row, stones tab........... 97

item pop-up............................. 75

item pop-ups......................... 336

item setup............................... 56

item status............... 93, 103, 786

item supervisor menu 51, 102, 103, 112, 130

item tags................................. 70

item unit of measure............... 787

item, adding............................ 59

item, finding............................ 90

item, move............................ 131

item, order.............................. 99

items quantities tab, item record 71

items, photographing.............. 133

items, re-cost........................ 722

items, repricing...................... 722

items, selling.................. 334, 336

items, ship............................. 328

IUOM.................................... 787

jade........................................ 70

Jewelers Mutual...................... 422

jewelry care program.............. 720

jewelry care programs............. 717

JMIC..................................... 422

job details............................. 449

job details, email.................... 448

job details, emailing................ 430

job record supervisor menu..... 451

job tracking.................... 448, 449

jobs, find by notification... 450, 451

labor, editing, item assembly... 123

labor, item assembly............... 117

layaways............................... 401

layaways report...................... 530

level fields............................. 130

levels....................... 65, 491, 787

levels, inventory..................... 128

liability report........................ 562

LifeCam................................. 773

links, in reports...................... 458

list format............................... 10

listing categories...................... 30

lists................................. 14, 628

lists, columns in....................... 14

lists, creating......................... 630

lists, customer mailing............ 267

lists, editing........................... 628

lists, system.......................... 631

load defaults............................ 10

load program defaults............... 10

load settings............................ 10

location, item............ 63, 131, 648

location, physical inventory...... 132

locations supervisor menu....... 652

mail merge............................ 271

mailing lists, group................. 265

mailing, customer................... 263

main screen............................... 6

make a payment.................... 339

make database permanent...... 730

make default image............ 19, 20

making a sale........................ 320

manage reports...................... 713

management reports............... 538

managing a style.................... 130

manual sale........................... 334

mapping QuickBooks accounts. 656

mark as done......................... 120

mark as work in progress........ 120

mark as work in stock............. 120

mark missing......................... 102

markdown............................. 169

markdown percentage, category 34

markup, category..................... 33

master record bulk................. 785

master record, bulk.................. 59

matching special order inventory 435

max item discount, rewards..... 688

measure, sell by, item............... 71

memo item............................ 787

memo items........................... 110

memo items, return.................. 51

memo out.............................. 335

memorize report...................... 10

memorized reports.......... 459, 713

menu bar.............................. 606

menus...................................... 6

merchandise tab, customer find 203

merchant services.................. 395

merge fields........................... 271

merge, bulk inventory............. 106

merge, vendor......................... 50

messages, text....................... 708

minimum cost, category............ 33

minimum days, markdown, category     34

minimum markup, category....... 33

minimum price, rewards.......... 688

misc charge........................... 342

misc sale lines........................ 639

misc tab, QuickBooks.............. 670

miscellaneous sales activity report 464

miscellaneous sales report....... 543

mismatch, customer............... 398

missing item.......................... 102

mixed retail, item..................... 71

mode, database..................... 730

Montage................................ 717

more button................... 334, 335

most recent settings................. 10

move item............................. 131

move task, custom job............ 374

move task, repairs.................. 358

multi-store, postcards............. 256

my brand................................ 47

narrowing query results............ 11

navigation................................. 6

need override.......................... 17

net COGS.............................. 179

new category........................... 31

new item, item disassembly..... 124

new repair part recommendation tab, repair     644

news feed.............................. 593

next appointments.................. 575

no name................................ 328

no sale.................................. 380

notes.................................... 328

notes tab, customer record...... 234

notes tab, item record............... 74

notes, customer..................... 328

notification email settings........ 771

notification find............... 450, 451

notifications.................... 311, 702

notifications report.................. 533

notifications, appointment....... 569

notifications, find.................... 708

notify, custom job................... 372

notify, repairs........................ 356

numbering............................... 24

occasions report..................... 534

OCR scanner.......................... 326

OK/save & close......................... 9

on account report................... 525

on-line help........................... 610

opals...................................... 70

open drawer.......................... 381

open to buy report.................. 178

options tab, customer record... 237

options tab, item find................ 98

order items.............................. 99

order postcards...................... 249

ordered items.......................... 86

ordered, item assembly........... 115

ordering reports..................... 488

organize by start date, printing signage 155

other keys, customer find........ 208

other tender detail report........ 473

outbound email settings.......... 702

output options........................ 459

override.................................. 17

overview report by period........ 545

park...................................... 381

part details, item assembly...... 116

parts tab, custom job details.... 377

parts tab, repair details........... 361

parts tab, repairs.................... 364

parts, as part of repair tasks.... 360

parts, as part of tasks............. 379

parts, item............................. 113

parts, repair tasks.................. 363

parts, tasks, custom job.......... 375

payment options..................... 392

payment, special order............ 352

payments using rewards card 340, 399

payments, cash...................... 392

payments, check.................... 393

payments, credit card............. 393

payments, credit memo........... 402

payments, gift certificate......... 397

payments, layaway................. 401

payments, store charge........... 403

payments, tender card............ 400

PDF report............................. 458

pdf, report............................. 459

pearls..................................... 70

percentiles report................... 515

performance reports............... 502

permission, add....................... 18

permissions............................. 16

phone, customer............. 220, 221

photo................................ 18, 20

photo device.......................... 761

photo editor............................. 19

photo, item...................... 66, 115

photographing an item............ 133

pick a standard message......... 344

pick up.................................. 340

pickup special order................ 352

placed field, special orders....... 434

Podium.......................... 422, 745

point of sale........................... 320

pop-up, item.................... 75, 335

popups tab, customer record.... 235

pop-ups tab, item record........... 75

pop-ups, item........................ 336

POS, working with appointments at 415

postcard account.................... 249

postcard history..................... 255

postcard presets..................... 254

postcard tab, customer find..... 215

postcards.............................. 249

postcards, scheduling.............. 251

posting fees........................... 279

posting to QuickBooks............. 673

PRE....................................... 787

pre-appraise tab, item record..... 80

presets..................................... 9

presets, postcard.................... 254

preview receipt....................... 422

previous, item from................ 113

price estimate, repairs............ 363

price is estimated, custom job 351, 372

price method, item................... 64

price, item assembly............... 114

pricing methods..................... 785

pricing tab, category record....... 32

pricing tab, repair................... 643

pricing tab, vendor................... 48

pricing, category...................... 32

pricing, change....................... 102

pricing, item............................ 64

pricing, protect....................... 102

primary customer................... 245

primary vs. spouse/partner...... 218

print appraisal........................ 335

print list................................ 231

printer, receipt and report....... 606

printer, tag............................ 733

printers, setup....................... 606

printing a receipt.................... 416

printing reports...................... 458

printing signs......................... 154

printing statements................. 281

printing tags..................... 71, 152

promotional giveaways............ 382

promotional item returns......... 346

promotions............................ 637

protect pricing........................ 102

punch clock........................... 589

punching in and out................ 589

purchase history, clienteling..... 299

purchase order....................... 128

purchase order color codes. 87, 143

purchase order settings........... 144

purchase order status........ 93, 787

purchase order supervisor menu 144

purchase order, add................ 141

purchase order, editing........... 147

purchase order, item................ 62

purchase order, resubmit by email 149

purchase order, resubmit in print 149

purchase order, submit by email 149

purchase order, submit in print 149

purchase orders..................... 141

purchase rewards................... 697

quantities tab, item............. 71, 72

quantity record, bulk......... 59, 785

quantity, item.......................... 62

quantity, item assembly.......... 114

queries.................................... 11

query results, narrowing........... 11

queued appointments.............. 575

queued items........................... 87

queued items, retrieve..... 142, 143

QuickBooks.................... 112, 653

QuickBooks accounts, recommended     657

QuickBooks G/L report............ 674

QuickBooks inventory.............. 664

QuickBooks repair tab............. 666

QuickBooks stores tab............. 671

QuickBooks taxes tab.............. 670

QuickBooks, mapping accounts 656

QuickBooks, mapping payment methods 672

QuickBooks, posting................ 673

QuickBooks, setting start date.. 672

radio frequency identification... 787

rapid reorder.......................... 128

rapid reorder form.................. 493

rapid reorder report................ 490

ratings.................................. 422

recall cost................................ 89

receipt.................................. 341

receipt email settings.............. 769

receipt supervisor menu.......... 232

receipt, email......................... 416

receipt, gift............................ 416

receipt, green........................ 416

receipt, printing...................... 416

receipts................................... 25

receipts, gift.......................... 419

receipts, green....................... 769

receive invoice.................. 87, 150

receive invoice, add item manually 88

receive item by invoice.............. 85

receive ordered styles............. 150

received, item assembly.......... 115

receiving special orders........... 435

recipient, gift certificate........... 344

recommended parts tab, repair 644

recommended QuickBooks accounts      657

record navigation bar.................. 8

records, sorting........................ 14

recost................................... 787

re-cost multiple...................... 726

re-cost report......................... 500

re-costing.............................. 133

re-costing items..................... 722

recovered cost of aged items report 510

recovered funds..................... 174

redeploy cost of aged items..... 174

referral rewards...................... 697

referrals.................. 292, 684, 693

referrals tab, customer record.. 241

remote assistance................... 610

remove spouse....................... 244

reorder.................................. 128

reorder fast sellers.................. 172

reordering a style................... 130

repair breakdown report.......... 563

repair cost, adjusting.............. 365

repair intake.......................... 641

repair intake with care plan..... 368

repair SKUs, care plan............. 720

repair tasks........................... 356

repair, SKUs, importing........... 646

repair/custom tab, customer find 210

repair/customer job reports..... 559

repairs.................................. 426

repairs tab, QuickBooks........... 666

repairs, completing................. 449

repairs, entering tasks............ 372

repairs, finding....................... 426

repairs, history............... 365, 380

repairs, intake........................ 354

repairs, item information......... 355

repairs, moving...................... 431

repairs, parts, as part of tasks 360, 363, 379

repairs, SKUs, setup............... 641

repairs, task details......... 358, 374

repeat sales COGS.................. 179

replacing rewards cards........... 701

replenish current inventory...... 508

report cover page................... 456

report criteria page................. 457

report filters............................ 16

report links............................ 458

report output options.............. 459

report PDF............................. 458

report toolbar......................... 458

reports.................................. 453

reports,  manage.................... 713

reports, creating..................... 453

reports, date range................. 454

reports, exporting................... 458

reports, printing..................... 458

reports, stone type................... 68

reprice.................................. 787

repricing................................ 170

repricing items....................... 722

resources.............................. 778

resubmit purchase order by email 149

resubmit purchase order in print 149

result type, appointments........ 571

results tab, customer.............. 201

results tab, customer find........ 202

retagging............................... 721

retail price, item....................... 65

retrieve queued.............. 142, 143

retrieved queued...................... 87

return item..................... 231, 233

return item activity report....... 466

return memo items................... 51

return to stock....................... 112

return to vendor.............. 102, 112

returns.................................. 345

returns, promotional............... 346

returns, special order.............. 352

returns, trade-in..................... 346

revert....................................... 9

review receipts....................... 381

reviews................................. 422

reward/referral tab, customer find 214

rewards.................. 291, 330, 684

rewards balance..................... 327

rewards balances.................... 528

rewards bonus....................... 687

rewards card for payments 340, 399

rewards card supervisor menu 694, 701

rewards cards point of sale...... 694

rewards cards, activating......... 694

rewards credits, earning.......... 401

rewards detail report............... 527

rewards earnings.................... 688

rewards general tab................ 687

rewards initial amount............. 686

rewards inventory tab............. 687

rewards max item discount...... 688

rewards referral report............ 529

rewards reporting................... 697

rewards reports...................... 527

rewards services tab............... 690

rewards summary report......... 528

rewards tab, customer record.. 239

rewards, accruing................... 695

rewards, earn rewards dates.... 686

rewards, find.......................... 697

rewards, minimum price.......... 688

RFID..................................... 787

RFID, configuration................. 165

RFID, find item by.................. 110

RFID, tagging......................... 166

ROI....................................... 505

rolling dates............................. 13

sale...................................... 320

sale record, item...................... 64

sale, changing........................ 316

sale, ending........................... 729

sale, starting.......................... 727

sales activities........................ 320

sales and stock levels by age report 506

sales by age........................... 506

sales commission.................... 232

sales comparison report.......... 557

sales data.............................. 232

sales supervisor menu............. 315

sales tax........................ 540, 619

sales tax collected report......... 463

sales tax option...................... 416

sales, finding......................... 313

sales, voiding......................... 316

salesperson category performance 549

salesperson performance report 547

salesperson reports................. 502

save & duplicate......................... 8

save & new................................ 8

save & print............................... 9

save & stay............................... 9

save and print........................ 430

save settings........................... 10

scanner................................. 730

scanning method, physical inventory     132

ScanShell ID scanner.............. 326

scheduling postcards............... 251

scrap item............................. 102

scratch, item from.................. 113

search..................................... 18

search default field................... 10

search mode, customer........... 200

security........................... 16, 617

security log............................ 555

see cost................................. 102

see item................................ 232

see item/service..................... 233

see item/services................... 231

see sale......................... 231, 232

select source...................... 19, 20

sell by measure, item................ 71

selling an item....................... 334

selling wish list items.............. 411

serial number.......................... 35

server................................... 787

services tab, rewards.............. 690

set all to zero, repair............... 367

set as default........................... 10

set as primary customer... 218, 245

set primary part, item assembly 116

set starting field....................... 10

settings, purchase order.......... 144

settlement errors, credit card... 764

settlement, credit card............ 764

ship items.............................. 328

ship to.................................. 328

shipping................................ 328

shipping report....................... 470

show my wish list items........... 409

show similar............................ 10

showing returns report............ 487

sign formats.......................... 681

sign locations report............... 497

signage location report............ 178

signage, in-case....................... 34

signs, printing........................ 154

signs, setup........................... 681

simple list report.................... 513

SKU...................................... 787

SKU, frequently used.............. 643

SKUs, importing repair............ 646

small task lines...................... 357

sms marketing....................... 311

smtp..................................... 703

SnapRetail free trial................ 258

SnapRetail integration..... 258, 259

SnapRetail upload................... 261

sold by category report........... 484

sold by customer report.......... 486

sold by vendor report.............. 485

sold price, item........................ 65

sort signage by, printing signage 155

sorting.................................... 14

special order.......................... 433

special order allocation. 63, 85, 437

special order payments........... 352

special order pickup................ 352

special order placed................ 434

special order report................. 488

special order status................. 787

special order, editing............... 433

special order, inventory matching 435

special orders COGS............... 179

special orders, checking on status 438

special orders, finding............. 438

special orders, processing........ 349

special orders, receiving.......... 435

special orders, reconciling........ 437

special orders, returns............. 352

special services...................... 426

spellcheck............................... 11

spiff, category.......................... 34

spiff, item................................ 65

spouse, remove...................... 244

spouse/partner records........... 223

start over.............................. 381

statement close...................... 279

statement close, undoing......... 280

statement estimates............... 274

statement estimates, finding.... 278

statement estimates, undoing.. 278

statement fees, voiding........... 280

statement find........................ 279

statements............................ 274

statements supervisor menu.... 278

statements, printing............... 281

station ID.............................. 733

status, item......... 64, 93, 103, 786

status, item assembly............. 114

status, purchase order....... 93, 787

status, special order................ 787

stock #/service #................... 231

stock type, item....................... 63

stone per row, stones tab.......... 97

stone records..................... 70, 99

stone reports........................... 68

stone, adding........................... 66

stones tab............................. 119

stones tab, item find................. 96

stones tab, item record............. 66

stones, colored......................... 70

store charge.......................... 403

store charge statements.......... 274

store ID................................. 732

store number, item................... 63

stores tab, QuickBooks............ 671

style note, item........................ 62

style, discontinued.................. 130

style, managing...................... 130

styles, receive ordered............ 150

subject, email........................ 706

submit purchase order by email 149

submit purchase order in print. 149

supervisor................................. 8

supervisor menu..................... 119

supervisor menu, assemble item 113

supervisor menu, bulk item 103, 105

supervisor menu, create template 119

supervisor menu, customer...... 242

supervisor menu, find sale....... 315

supervisor menu, item 51, 102, 103, 112, 130

supervisor menu, item list view.. 99

supervisor menu, job record.... 451

supervisor menu, locations...... 652

supervisor menu, purchase order 144

supervisor menu, receipt......... 232

supervisor menu, rewards card 694, 701

supervisor menu, sales............ 315

supervisor menu, statements... 278

supervisor menu, template...... 122

supervisor menu, vendor........... 50

supervisor override, time clock. 590

supplies.................................... 4

support, email........................ 611

switch to spouse..................... 218

system clock............................ 17

system lists............... 67, 628, 631

system options....................... 735

system options, gift receipts.... 421

tag layout................................ 38

tag organization..................... 152

tag printer settings................. 733

tag, care plan pricing on............ 39

tagging items, RFID................ 166

tags tab, category.................... 38

tags tab, category record.......... 37

tags tab, item.......................... 71

tags tab, item record................ 70

tags, printing.................... 71, 152

take-off................................... 80

take-off, item disassembly....... 123

task details, custom job.......... 374

task details, item assembly...... 118

task details, repairs................ 358

task keyword, custom job........ 373

task keyword, repairs.............. 357

task lines, small..................... 357

task, add, custom job............. 374

task, item assembly................ 114

tasks tab, custom job.............. 372

tasks, details.......................... 374

tasks, entering....................... 372

tasks, parts............................ 379

tasks, parts, repairs................ 360

tasks, repairs......................... 356

taxes.................................... 619

taxes tab, category record......... 39

taxes tab, QuickBooks............. 670

taxes, adding......................... 619

taxes, on services................... 624

taxes, setup........................... 619

template, assembly................ 119

template, item....................... 113

template, item description... 40, 66

template, supervisor menu...... 122

tender card, selling................. 345

tender cards, as payment........ 400

tender detail report................. 471

tender options........................ 392

text file................................. 458

text message administration.... 707

text message marketing.......... 311

text message settings............. 703

text messages........................ 708

text messaging....................... 702

thank you report.................... 532

third-party website................... 82

time........................................ 14

time clock.............................. 589

time clock, supervisor override. 590

time, system............................ 17

to be determined, price.... 351, 372

toolbar, report........................ 458

top n customers report............ 517

total COGS............................ 179

total due at pick-up................ 341

tracking jobs.................. 448, 449

trade in................................. 343

trade-in returns...................... 346

trades report.......................... 465

training..................................... 4

transaction............................ 320

transaction IDs........................ 24

transfer report....................... 512

TROI..................................... 787

troubleshooting, credit card..... 765

troubleshooting, hardware....... 773

true return on investment........ 787

twain......................... 19, 20, 761

type & status tab, item find....... 91

type, inventory........................ 93

undoing aging........................ 278

undoing estimated statements. 278

undoing period close............... 280

unit of measure...................... 787

unlock level fields................... 130

UOM..................................... 787

UPC...................................... 787

updates................................. 611

upload, SnapRetail.................. 261

user permissions...................... 16

user resources....................... 778

vendor catalog files.................. 52

vendor credit manager.............. 47

vendor ID................................ 46

vendor ID, change.................... 50

vendor merge.......................... 50

vendor setup.................... 46, 540

vendor style, item.................... 62

vendor style, item assembly.... 115

vendor supervisor menu............ 50

vendor, back from.................. 103

vendor, item............................ 62

vendor, item assembly............ 115

vendors, adding....................... 46

vendors, finding....................... 49

video surveillance configuration 734

view notes............................. 335

view pop-up........................... 335

vis server.............................. 734

void sale................................ 316

void sale, credit card............... 396

voided sales report................. 550

voiding rewards cards............. 701

voiding statement fees............ 280

waiting parts report................ 561

website..................................... 4

website tab.............................. 82

weekly buying plan................. 171

why in........................... 321, 637

why-in.................................. 208

why-in, changing.................... 316

window menu......................... 609

Windows functions.................. 606

WIP...................................... 787

wish list.................. 328, 405, 408

wish list color code................. 229

wish list entry mode................ 406

wish list entry, delete.............. 412

wish list items, entering.......... 405

wish list items, selling............. 411

wish list reports...................... 412

wish list tab, customer record.. 228

wish list, finding..................... 410

wish list, show another customer's wish list      410

wish list, show my wish list items 409

wish lists report...................... 514

wish lists tips......................... 414

wish lists, emailing.......... 302, 308

wish lists, finding............ 301, 412

wishes tab, customer find........ 205

work in progress..................... 787

workstation............................ 787

wrong customer..................... 316

ZIP Codes.............................. 709