Generating Gift Receipts

Gift receipts are printed similarly to regular receipts, with some additional options.  To print a gift receipt:


1.  Conduct a transaction from point of sale as usual, selecting Done to complete the transaction.  If set in System Options, a preview of the receipt will appear.



To turn on receipt previews, use System Options ► Receipt Options ► Receipt Preview and set it to True.


2.  From the lower left corner of the Preview Receipt window, select Gift Receipt.  The Gift Receipts window will appear.



Fields and options in the Gift Receipts window include:


Check the items that should appear on the gift receipt

Select types of transactions to include gift receipts for: Merchandise, Misc, Repair, Custom Job, Appraisal, and Other.

Check All

Select all items listed for gift receipts.

Check None

Unselect all items listed for gift receipts.

Print on Individual pages

Allows you to print each receipt on separate pages for distribution to separate gift recipients.


Proceed with printing of the gift receipts.


Close the Gift Receipts window.


Use presets to set the behavior for the gift receipt form. 


3.  Select options as required and select Print.  A second Gift Receipts preview window will appear without pricing.



4.  If the receipts look correct, select Print.  If not, select Cancel and make changes.