General Options

Ask “Are You Sure?” on Cancel

Whether to prompt “Are you sure?” when canceling an edit window where changes have been made, but not saved.

Enable ETA Is Estimated on Receipts

ETA will always print as estimated.

Enable Export Raw Report Data

Enables the ability to export raw data from the report viewer.

Enable Spell Checker

Enable spell-checking capability in all text fields.

Form Defaults Require Permission

Setting a form’s defaults require permission.

Logo File Location

The location of the logo file for areas such as Receipts and Appraisals. It is best to keep the file in the configured photo folder.  It can be .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or any other standard Windows image format.  Because the logo will appear in a 2.25” x 2” rectangle, your logo file may be shrunk to fit in that space.  Logo resolution should be the same as that for your receipt printing, usually 300 pixels per inch.

Maximum Number of Days Back for Sale/Sold Dates Searched Without Permission

The maximum number of days back an associate can conduct searches on sales dates without permission.  Enter a value of 0 to always search without permission.

Print Non-Stock Job Envelopes to Report Printer

Print other (non-stock) job envelopes to the report printer.

Report Criteria Cover Page Default Setting

Set this to True to enable the Report Criteria Cover Page checkbox on the report query form by default.  Set this to False to disable the Report Criteria Cover Page checkbox on the report query form; this will generate criteria headers on the top of the first report page.

Require Notes on Override

Whether to require an explanatory note when an override is made.

Show Background Texture

Whether to show background texture on the windows.  Turn this to False for remote access.

Show Lines on Rapid Reorder Report

Set this to True to enable vertical column separators for the last 3 columns of the Rapid Reorder report. 

Where to Place Help Button

Where on the form/window to place the Help button.