Find / Edit

Find Tasks allows you to look up, edit, and complete tasks.  To use it:

1.  Click Associate > Tasks > Find.  The Find Tasks window will appear.

2.  You can filter by the following criteria:     

Due Date

Date the task is set to be due.


Associate the task is assigned to.  You can select multiple.


The priority level of the task.


The current status of the task.


The category or type of task.


The store the task was created in.

3.  Enter desired criteria and click Find.  A list of matching tasks will appear.

4.  To edit a task, double click it or select it in the list and click the Edit button.

5.  To complete a task, click the Complete icon in the top left or set the Status drop-down to Complete.

6.  Make any desired changes, then click the Save / Close button.