Find Customers by Wish Criteria

To find customers or to market to customers with a specific type of wish:

1.  Select Customers ► Find.  The Customer Find filter will appear.

2.  Select the Wishes tab from the filter window. 

3.  In the Wishes tab, you will see the Wish Option drop-down menu, select from three options:


Don’t care about wishes                 In this case, no filtering by wishes will occur.

With wishes that match                  To filter by wishes that match criteria to be specified.

With wishes that don’t match         To exclude wishes with criteria to be specified.


4.  Select the filtering option and select OK.  The Wish filter with options that apply to your match selection will appear.



5.  Enter parameters that describe the wishes you’re looking for.

6.  Select other tabs to further narrow the kind of customer you’re looking for.

7.  Select OK.  A list of customers with matching wishes will appear.