Editing Appraisal Templates

If you wish, it is possible to edit these templates or create new ones from an old one and make changes to that.  To do so:

1.  Use Windows Explorer or Windows File Manager and browse to The Edge folder where the templates are kept.  See your System Options to locate that path.

2.  Open the file with Microsoft® Word or another .rtf editor.

3.  Save the template under a new name, if you wish to create a new template. 

4.  Make changes to the template and save it.  You can change the location of text, add new text, and change font size and type.  You can add text and some design elements. Feel free to work with the design and test it in The Edge.

      Notice that there are merge fields built into the template. They are delineated by brackets ({mergefield}).  If you delete one of these fields, that data will not show in the generated appraisal.

      If the file is open in your .rtf editor and you try to use the Preview Appraisal function, The Edge will give an error.