Custom Job Options

Auto Fill Custom Job ETA

Prefill the ETA field for customer jobs to be this number of days, by default, after the take-in.  To disable this feature, enter -1.

Custom Job Claim Check Fine Print

The fine print to appear on the bottom of the custom job claim check.

Custom Job Envelope for “Estimate Only” Jobs

Whether to print an envelope for an estimate-only custom job.

Custom Job is “Estimate Only” on Job Detail Sheet Fine Print

The fine print to appear on the job sheet if the custom job is only an estimate.

Custom Job Is “Estimate Only” Receipt Fine Print

The fine print to appear on receipts if the customer job is only an estimate.

Custom Job Require Photo on Intake

Whether a photo is required at intake.

Custom Job Tax With Custom Job Item

Whether to print job taxes with the customer job line, as opposed to the receipt subtotal.

Custom Jobs on Reports

How custom jobs should appear on the sales tax and activity reports.

Enable Custom Jobs

Whether to enable custom job features. 

Place Cursor in Description Field on Start

When adding a task to a custom job, make sure the cursor stats in the description field instead of the SKU field.

Print Claim Check on Customer Section of Custom Job Envelope

Whether to print the claim check on the customer side of the custom job envelope.  If Print JLRC on Customer Section of Custom Job Envelope is set to true, it will not print.

Print JLRC on Customer Section of Custom Job Envelope

The JLRC is the jeweler's commission, i.e., what you pay the goldsmith.  This setting determines whether to print the JLRC slip on the customer side of the custom job envelope.  If set to True, it overrides the claim check.

Require a Task SKU for Custom Job

Whether to require that each task have a SKU in custom jobs.

Tax Custom Job “Other”

Whether “other” custom job charges are taxable by default.

Tax Custom Job Labor

Whether custom job labor is taxable by default.

Tax Custom Job Parts

Whether custom job parts are taxable by default.

Use Time of Day for Custom Job ETA

Whether to record the time of day for the ETA.