Customer Options

Balances to Primary on Split

When splitting linked customer accounts (Spouse/Partner), whether all balances go to primary or are split between the two.

Convert Customer Name and Address on Receipts to Mixed Case

Whether to convert the customer name and address to mixed case on receipts.

Custom Field Names

Labels for custom fields.

Customer Duplicate Check

What action to take with regard to check for duplicate customers before adding a new one.  Options are:

Check All Relevant Fields

Check on Phone and Email Only

Disable Only.

Enable Customer Activity Tab Green Dot

Allows you to activate or deactivate the green dot indicating activity in the Customer Activity tab.  The feature does demand database activity, so it might not be desired.

Guess Gender if Not Specified

Whether to try to guess the gender when not specified on a customer record.

Include Spouse/Partner Column on Customer List Views

Whether or not to include extra column for spouse information on customer list windows.

Include Spouse/Partner Name

Whether to include the spouse/partner’s name throughout The Edge.

Lock Customer Notes After Save

Whether to prevent customer notes from being edited after saving.

Phone Number Format

Template that controls how phone numbers are formatted.  Use ‘x’ in place of numbers, e.g. (xxx)xxx-xxxx,, xxx-xxx-xxxx. 


Note this option can potentially conflict with the Validate That Phone Numbers Have 10 Digits option if your phone number template contains less than 10 digits.

Show Dial and Email buttons on contacts screen

Show Dial and Email buttons on contacts screen next to the Edit controls.

Title Case Names

Whether to automatically set title case (capitalization) on names, addresses, and titles throughout the program.

Use Comma After City and Before State in Mailings and on Reports

Whether a comma should appear after the city and before the state in mailings and reports.

Use Period After Title in Customer’s Name in Mailings and on Reports

Whether a period should appear after the title of part of a customer name on mailings and reports.

Validate That Phone Numbers Have 10 Digits

Validate that phone numbers have 10 digits in them. This is important if you will be using texting/SMS features.