Assembling an Item

The Edge allows you to assemble new items from existing inventory while retaining full details of the individual parts involved.  It also allows you to disassemble items into their component parts while keeping a record of the original piece.  Part records are automatically cross-referenced in the software so that if you look up an item that has been consumed as a part towards an assembled piece, that part item will have a link to the final piece and vice-versa.  Check your System Options to ensure these features are turned on.


There are three ways to assemble items:



Allows you to create a built or assembled item from scratch.


Allows you to create a built or assembled item from a template using the Add Template option.  Templates are created from the Supervisor menu of the original item by selecting Create Template.  It is useful to create a template for a specific set of tasks that might later be used as part of a larger effort, e.g., welding or mounting. You can make changes after you’ve pulled in the template.


Allows you to duplicate a previously built or assembled item.  You can make changes after you’ve pulled in the previously assembled item.