Appraisal Options

Appraisal Cancel Fee – Percentage

How much should still be charged in the event someone cancels an appraisal request, as a percentage of appraisal fee.

Appraisal Claim Check

Whether a claim check should be issued for appraisal items.

Appraisal Claim Check Fine Print

The fine print that should appear on the appraisal claim check.

Appraisal Cost for New Appraisals

When intaking a new appraisal this is the default cost filled in.

Appraisal Fine Print

The fine print to appear on the bottom of the finished appraisal form.

Appraisal Pick Up Only when Marked Done

Allow only complete appraisals to be picked up as opposed to allowing unfinished items to be picked up.

Appraisal Print Declared Value on Customer’s Receipt

Whether the estimated value of the item before appraisals will be printed on the customer’s receipt.

Appraisal Print Envelope

Whether to automatically generate an item envelope.

Appraisal Print One Item Per Envelope

Whether each item in an appraisal request should be assigned its own envelope or all a customer’s items can be grouped.

Appraisal Reserve Location on Preprinted Form

If you are printing an appraisal on a pre-printed form, this specifies the amount of space, in inches, to reserve at the top of the form.

Appraisal Taxable by Default

Whether appraisals are taxable by default.

Appraisal Template Default File

The location of the appraisal template file, e.g., \\[servername]\data\appr.htm.  Leave this field blank to use the AJS built-in template.  We recommend you speak with The Edge Support Team before changing this option. 

Appraisal Template Folder Location

The location of the appraisal template file, e.g., \\[servername]\data.

Appraisal Title

The title of the appraisal document, e.g., “Jewelry Appraisal.”

Appraisal Use Preprinted Forms

Whether to print appraisals on pre-printed forms.  If True, The Edge will not print your store name and address.

Appraisal Value Title

The label the appraised value, e.g., “Replacement Value.”

Pre-Appraisal Title

The title of the appraisal document for pre-appraised items, e.g., “Certificate of Sale.”